Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry has agreed to receive and publish manuscripts by the instructions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Details of ICMJE and COPE are available at and

The ICMJE recommends that authorship should be based on the following four criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship.

  1. Alterations in the List of AuthorsPJMD does not prescribe changes in the author’s list concerning additions and deletions after the initial submission.


Statements describing detailed contributions made by each author are required at the time of submission of the manuscript. Incomplete forms can lead to processing delays in the manuscript.

iii. Corresponding Author

The corresponding author is the individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal. The corresponding author should be available throughout the submission and peer review process to respond to editorial queries in a timely way and should be available after publication to respond to critiques of the work and cooperate with any requests from the journal for data or additional information should questions about the paper arise after publication.

  1. Author’s Address and affiliationPresent addresses for individual authors that differ from the address(es) at which the work was done should be given in a Present Addresses note to be placed at the bottom of the first page.
  2. Deceased AuthorsDeceased authors should be included with a death dagger (†) next to the author’s name, and a footnote stating that the author is deceased and giving the date of their death e.g., †Deceased 1 January 2016.